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History at Bromet

At Bromet Primary School, we inspire a love of history and foster an understanding of the past that helps children appreciate how progression over time has shaped the present. Through engaging with both primary and secondary sources, our pupils are encouraged to form their own opinions and develop a nuanced perspective on pivotal moments in history.

Throughout their time at Bromet, children build critical thinking, research, and analytical skills as they explore the complexities of the past. Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to ensure that all children see themselves represented, celebrating the diversity of our school community by exploring the rich variety of societal groups, cultures, and peoples that have contributed to history.


At Bromet Primary School, our History curriculum is designed to be inclusive and accessible, ensuring every child achieves their potential by knowing more, remembering more, and understanding more about the past. Through our carefully structured curriculum, we aim to:

  • Develop historical skills, concepts, and attitudes, enabling children to think critically about the past.
  • Foster an understanding of how historical events and changes influence the present.
  • Cultivate enquiry, analysis, evaluation, and argumentation skills in our learners.
  • Spark curiosity and motivate children to explore the richness of history.
  • Strengthen their sense of identity by exploring local, national, and global history.

Our curriculum features a broad range of topics, from significant individuals like Neil Armstrong and Katherine Johnson to thematic studies of societal changes, such as the Industrial Revolution and Early Islamic Civilisation. Children will delve into local history, including the history of Watford and Bromet itself, alongside global perspectives such as Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire.

By embedding diversity into every aspect of our teaching, we ensure that all children see themselves reflected in the stories we explore, creating a rich and inclusive understanding of history.


Our principal aim is to develop children’s knowledge, skills, and understanding of history, fostering a lifelong curiosity about the past. At Bromet, history is taught through clearly defined units that align with the National Curriculum and reflect the unique character and diversity of our school community.

We use a range of engaging teaching and learning approaches in our history lessons, ensuring children learn best when:

  • They have access to, and can handle, artefacts from different time periods.
  • They visit museums and places of historical significance, including local landmarks such as Watford Football Stadium.
  • They explore secondary sources such as books, photographs, and digital resources.
  • Visitors share personal stories and experiences from the past.
  • They listen to and interact with historical narratives and stories.
  • They work both independently and collaboratively to ask and answer meaningful historical questions.
Early Years Foundation Stage

In Early Years, history is introduced through integrated topic work that balances child-initiated exploration and adult-led activities. Children learn about past and present events in their own lives and the lives of family members and others around them. Activities such as exploring old and new toys or discussing photographs of famous historical figures help develop their understanding of the world.

Key Stage 1

At Key Stage 1, pupils develop an awareness of the past and begin to use historical vocabulary to describe the passing of time. They learn about:

  • Changes within living memory, exploring how aspects of national life have evolved.
  • Events beyond living memory that have had national or global significance.
  • The lives of significant individuals who contributed to national and international achievements, such as explorers and historical figures like Neil Armstrong or Katherine Johnson.
  • Significant local events, people, and places, including the history of Bromet Primary School and Watford.
Key Stage 2

At Key Stage 2, pupils deepen their understanding of British, local, and world history, building secure chronological knowledge. They are encouraged to identify connections, contrasts, and trends over time while developing their use of historical terms. Through enquiry-based learning, they explore questions about change, cause, similarity, difference, and significance.

Pupils study a diverse range of topics, including:

  • Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
  • The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain.
  • The Anglo-Saxon and Viking struggle for the Kingdom of England.
  • A local history study, exploring the rich heritage of Watford and its surrounding areas.
  • The achievements of early civilizations, focusing on Ancient Egypt.
  • Ancient Greece, examining its culture and lasting influence on the modern world.
  • A non-European society that contrasts with British history, such as Early Islamic Civilisation.
  • A thematic study, such as Crime and Punishment through the ages or the Industrial Revolution.

Our curriculum is inclusive, ensuring all children see themselves represented in the histories we explore. By embedding diversity throughout, we aim to inspire every child to connect with the past and understand its impact on their lives and the wider world.



The expected impact of following Bromet’s history curriculum is that children will:

  • Be confident historians, able to discuss, analyse, and present ideas about the past with clarity and insight both in and beyond school.
  • Show appreciation and respect for a diverse range of historical perspectives, understanding how history is shaped by cultural, social, and global contexts.
  • Understand how historical evidence is gathered, interpreted, and represented, using a variety of sources to support their own historical enquiries and arguments.
  • Begin to develop their own critical analysis skills when looking at primary and secondary sources, analysing the intended or unconscious bias within a source.
  • Demonstrate and articulate enthusiasm for history, identifying personal areas of interest and making connections between past events and their impact on the present.
  • Meet the end of key stage expectations outlined in the National Curriculum for History, achieving secure chronological knowledge and critical thinking skills.

Through this curriculum, Bromet pupils will leave school equipped with a broad understanding of history, a respect for diversity, and the skills to explore the past in meaningful and inquisitive ways.

History Scheme of Work 2024-25

General Documents Date Download
History Scheme of Work Year 2024 25 A Website 31st Dec 2024 Download