Term Dates
At Bromet Primary School, we follow the National Curriculum for England and Wales and, as in most other primary schools; many subjects are combined to form termly or half-termly topics or projects.
As we are a mixed form entry school we follow a 'two-year rolling curriculum (Year A and B).
Please visit our SEN Page to find out how we incorporate provision for our SEND children Curriculum Provision for SEND children
If you would like to find more details regarding the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly -please also look on our Curriculum Subject Pages Clink the Subject you are interest in and our Class Pages - Class Information
National Curriculum for England and Wales
Our curriculum is based on the three core subjects – English, Mathematics and Science. The teaching of RE is based on the Hertfordshire Curriculum, followed by the majority of Hertfordshire schools.
Other subjects taught in school are: – Design and Technology, Computing, History, Geography, Art, Music, Physical Education and Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health Education. In addition, children in Year 3 – Year 6 learn French.
All work is carefully planned to ensure that children have access to the relevant areas of the curriculum according to their age and stage of development and that the skills of reading, writing and mathematics are practised daily throughout the school.
It is our intent that our curriculum leads to the necessary development of language and communication skills which our children require to succeed in life.
Through our curriculum children become confident, resilient and independent learners, who have a passion for learning and who are able to express their opinions and beliefs once they leave the school.
Our curriculum will ensure that children can reflect positively on their primary school years and they will have acquired life long skills. At the heart of all of our learning is PSHE and the importance of wellbeing and tackling issues that can affect a child’s ability to learn.
Implementation describes the way in which we deliver our intent consistently each day. At Bromet we believe linking subjects where applicable makes learning more purposeful. On each class page from Years R-6 you can find our Curriculum Termly Overviews. These outline the links we make between various foundation subjects.
Each subject is designed to allow scope for independent learning by following the children's interests. When appropriate, our subjects begin with a hook and end with a finale to give children an opportunity to present what they have learnt.
Pupils leave Bromet Primary School with a secure understanding of the academic content; with the understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible and aware; how to make positive contributions to the local community and how to endeavour to be the best that they can be. We aim for all of our children to leave Bromet Primary respectful, skillful, ambitious and with a thirst for life and all it has to offer.
The government have placed great emphasis on schools developing Cultural capital. Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success. It is about giving children the best possible start to their early education.
At Bromet Primary, we see Cultural capital as the accumulation of knowledge, attitudes, habits, language and possessions that enables individuals to demonstrate their cultural competence and social status. Our school plays a crucial role in developing this through immersing children in dance and music, visiting theatres, galleries and historic sites and by introducing them to literature and art.
Embedding cultural capital into our curriculum is a way of closing the gap between children from differing socio-economic backgrounds by ensuring that children from all backgrounds have the same opportunities in society to achieve their full potential.
We promote British values.
At Bromet we see British values as:
It is our intent that children who enter our EYFS begin their lifelong learning journey by developing physically, verbally, cognitively and emotionally whilst also embedding a positive attitude to school and a love of learning.
Our EYFS curriculum is designed to encourage independent, inquisitive and happy learners. We recognise children’s prior learning and various starting points, and create a holistic curriculum that maximises cross-curricular links and builds strong foundations for their future.
Every child is recognised as a unique individual, and we acknowledge and promote children’s interests to provide them with the opportunities to follow their imagination and creativity. In Reception, we invest time into helping children to recognise their personal goals, which allow them to reflect and aim high. We celebrate the differences in our school community, and always strive to promote a love for learning including children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
We recognise that children have a thirst for new experiences and knowledge, and should be provided with opportunities to engage their inquisitive minds. Therefore, we provide continuous indoor and outdoor provision, that follow children’s interests, to support learners in investigating and developing their skills. We work in close partnership with parents and carers throughout the year to support their learning and to encourage children to reach their full potential. We also aim to support the transition from EYFS to KS1 and provide children with the knowledge, skills and attitude they need to succeed throughout their education
We follow the Statutory Framework for Early Years, 2021 (Click here to see a copy)
and seek to provide : (Statutory Framework Introduction .3)
The curriculum is initiated through purposeful play, where children are encouraged to follow their own interests, through a variety of child and adult led activities both indoors and outdoors.
You will have an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress in the Autumn and Spring term when you are invited into school at the parental consultation evenings. In addition, at the end of the Summer term you will receive a written school report. Please note that parents are welcome to discuss any concerns they may have at any time by either having a quick word with one of the staff in Reception before or after school or by arranging a longer appointment at a mutually convenient time.
Parental contribution and involvement related to your child’s learning is valued greatly. Parents are encouraged to contribute any learning from home towards your child’s Learning Journal; this could be a photograph, drawing, piece of writing or an observation of something your child has said. We have moved to an online Learning Journal (Tapestry) as a way to give parents even more of an insight into their child's first year of primary school.
EAL Learners at Bromet
At Bromet Primary, we are committed to welcoming all families to the school, and being as Inclusive as possible.
We have children from a wide range of different cultural backgrounds within the school, which we celebrate and embrace.
Inclusion, diversity and opportunity are integral to our school community. We believe that language should not be a barrier to learning but a beneficial tool to our pupils and school.
What is an EAL learner?
English as an additional language (EAL) learners are from a minority ethnic background and will have a first language that is neither English or Welsh. Not all minority ethnic learners will be learners of EAL. Many UK born bilingual/multilingual children may not define themselves as EAL, especially if their first language is no longer their dominant language.
Such learners may only understand their first language and not speak it frequently, if at all. However, based on the definitions above and for the purposes of data they are still included as EAL learners.
The following websites have a specific EAL, English language learning or dual language/ multilingual dimension.
A. Websites for Supporting English Language Learning:
British Council
For younger learners
Website: http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/
Lots of free online games, songs, stories and activities for children to support learning of English Includes:
Website: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/games
Games to play to practice English
For older learners
Website: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/grammar/beginner-grammar
Suitable for beginner learners of English. Practice and improve English grammar with fun videos. Also online exercises and worksheets.
Website: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/games
Games to improve English vocabulary
Website: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/apps
Learn/improve English with apps - games, podcasts, videos and quizzes to help learn English at home
Website: https://www.ealhub.co.uk/home-learning-area/
Many resources suitable for EAL learners at different stages. They also support general literacy needs. There are 3 Tiers: Tier 1 is for EAL learners at the beginning of their learning. Tier 2 focusses mainly on vocabulary development and Tier 3 looks at developing language to a further stage. There are free resources in each section, but others can only be accessed through a paying subscription.
Website: https://anglomaniacy.pl/
This is a site for children who are learning English as a second/additional language. Lots of online lessons, activities, games, songs and hundreds of printable worksheets that can help with learning English.
Breaking News English
Website: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/
Free, ready-to-use ESL lesson plans based on the latest breaking news. 7 different levels available across different activities. Therefore suited to different pupils at different levels of EAL acquisition. Activities are designed to be teacher led but tasks included could be undertaken by individuals. New lessons uploaded every 2 days. Each lesson includes a 26-page PDF containing all-skills activities, 5-speed listening, multi-speed scrolled reading, interactive dictation, 30+ online quizzes… and more.
Many things
Website: www.manythings.org
This web site is for people studying English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL). There are quizzes, word games, word puzzles, proverbs, slang expressions, anagrams, a random-sentence generator and other computer assisted language learning activities.
Website: www.english-online.org.uk
English Language Courses for: young learners, beginners, elementary, intermediate, advanced. Includes games, video tutorials, grammar exercises etc
Suitable for use on smartphones or tablets.
English Banana
This site offers more than 4,000 pages of free printable resources for teaching and learning English and ESL. Suitable for all ages.
Games to learn English
Website: https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/
A website with games to learn English. It is not focussed on curriculum content but rather focussed on English language learning. It can help to provide primary learners with exposure to listening whilst also allowing them to play games to practice vocabulary and grammar.
Website: https://www.abcy a.com/
This is an American site which provides online, interactive games. It provides exposure to subject content through an English medium with access to lots of written and spoken English language models in the games. This is especially good for narrated stories that highlight the text as its being read aloud.
B. Stories/Books/Dual Language:
Children’s Library
Website: http://en.childrenslibrary.org/
- Online books for children in many languages. The website aims to enable families to have access to the books of their culture and language regardless of where they live.
2. World Stories
Website: https://worldstories.org.uk/
World Stories is a growing collection of stories from around the world. The collection includes retold traditional tales and new short stories in the languages most spoken by UK children - over 30 languages available.
3. Mantra Lingua
Website: https://uk.mantralingua.com/kitabu
Currently, there are over 550 books and 38 languages in this library. Each book is read aloud in English and your home language. There are folk tales, myths, stories of multi-cultural life here in the UK and reference books. Each book has a video and a set of activities to help build children’s English language skills. The library covers reading ages from 3 to 15 years. This library is free of charge until 31 August 2020.
4. Story Books Canada
Website: https://www.storybookscanada.ca/
Storybooks Canada is a free open educational resource that promotes literacy and language learning in homes, schools, and communities. There are 40 African stories available with text and audio in 29 different languages, at varying levels of language competency. Click on the Global Story Portal
Website: https://stories.audible.com/start-listen
Free audio books, available in six languages (Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch and Japanese).
Global Stories
Shaun Tann’s books
This site uses picture books at different proficiency levels to give more agency to both primary and secondary learners to respond and engage at their current level and to give them opportunities to develop their higher-order thinking skills by thinking about interpretations of pictures and the story.
Website: http://shauntan.net/books.html
Oxford university Press: English Language Teaching
This site uses Graded Readers, a series of simplified books written for different levels of proficiency in English which include questions to help learners explore language.
C: General Sites:
Khan Academy
Website: https://www.khanacademy.org/
This site has a wide range of video lectures about different curriculum subjects, both in English and in 30 available languages.
Website: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/english-as-an-additional-language-eal
Here you will find Twinkl's collection of EAL (English as an Additional Language) teaching and learning resources. The EAL worksheets, resources & activity sheets are written for teachers, professionals and parents to support them in effectively communicating and learning English as an Additional Language. Includes dual language resources. Does require a subscription to access a number of the resources.
Twinkle are offering a month’s free access to parents to help with teaching resources at home.
www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and enter the code PARENTSTWINKLHELPS
EAL Nexus
Website: https://ealresources.bell-foundation.org.uk/teachers/eal-nexus-resources
EAL Nexus resources are differentiated teaching resources linked to curriculum topics. They are designed to engage EAL learners at all levels (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced), keeping the language accessible and the cognitive challenge high. They exemplify good practice and link to curriculum topics frequently taught in schools.
All EAL Nexus resources are free to access and download for educational purposes. The downloads are available both in Word (so you can adapt them if required) and in PDF (in case you have a version of Word that is incompatible).
Flash Academy – a range of EAL resources, some of which are free, in particular
Website: https://flashacademy.com/resources/home-learning-project-packs/?mc_cid=700ab21885&mc_eid=5fe3b8221d
Free Remote Working Packs - 4 weeks of projects
This free pack is suitable for all schools to support EAL pupils learning from home due to the Coronavirus. It covers topics from Story Telling and Literacy to Geography and UK culture, providing several weeks of work.
There is also an EAL platform which schools can subscribe to. This is mainly focussed on vocabulary development.
Learning Village
The Learning Village provides online home and school EAL curriculum learning resources for 6 -18 year old English language learners in schools where English is the language of instruction. It facilitates easy differentiation for English as an additional language across your curriculum. It is suitable for home learning as well as blended learning in school. This is subscription based but good value for money. EAL funding could be used to purchase this resource.
More information can be found here: click here and here https://www.learningvillage.net/
Translation Tools
Google translate app - use a phone’s camera to translate text with the Translate app.
Website: https://support.google.com/translate/answer/6142483?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en
Immersive Reader in Word online has a translation tool.
Websites – Interactive
https://www.brainpop.com/– Sign in for free access due to Covid-19 BrainPOP Jr. and BrainPOP ELL also great!
www.eslflow.com – KS2
www.agendaweb.org – loads of options for young and old
http://www.funenglishgames.com/ – lot of variety, good for lots of things
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/websites/4_11/site/literacy.shtml – archived but has good resources
http://www.esltower.com/index.html -limited offer
http://eslkidsworld.com/ – older
https://pbskids.org/ – Videos and games
Online Books
Polish texts taken from the Polish National Curriculum. Arranged by age phase https://lektury.gov.pl
readingteacher.com – free login due to Covid-19
https://bilingualkidspot.com/2019/02/19/free-online-books-for-kids/ – a list of online books
http://en.childrenslibrary.org/ – The International Children’s Digital Library
https://www.storylineonline.net/library/ – Stories read by authors
https://www.childrensbooksonline.org/library-translations.htm – Books in Multiple languages
https://www.mamalisa.com/?t=el -Songs and rhymes from around the world
https://www.storynory.com/ – Audio stories with script. KS2
https://pbskids.org/games/reading/ – reading games
https://www.readingiq.com/web/learning/#/home – levelled books online (US).
Worksheets, General resources for Teachers and Parents
Flashcards, worksheets and handouts to match, phonics worksheets, classroom games, certificate templates, and other activities all ready for printing http://mes-english.com/
Worksheets and activities for parents to use with early learners of English based around family routines: https://en.islcollective.com/english-esl-worksheets/grammar/present-simple-tense/jacksons-daily-routine/123121
www.learningvillage.net – EAL learning for learners in schools. Covers school specific vocabulary, as well as functional English and phonics. Fully image-based so suitable for learners of any language and SEND learners. Assessment embedded.
Glasgow EAL Services has put together a selection of resources here
http://www.collaborativelearning.org/activities.html – General classroom activities adapted for EAL learners
https://www.ealhub.co.uk/ – resources for teachers
http://www.newsinlevels.com/ – current news articles. More for older children.
http://www.readwritethink.org/ –
https://www.ageoflearning.com/schools – this will be free to schools outside the US soon
Four huge lists of online classroom resources has been compiled by a NALDIC (National Association of Language Development in the Curriculum) member here, here, here and here.
Science resources in Polish and English here and here
General Literacy skills
Gill Education have made their Over the Moon Literacy books/workbooks with ebooks available to the public for free for these age groups – Junior Infants (Reception), Senior Infants, First Class and Second Class (Year3). Search here for Over the Moon. https://www.gillexplore.ie/products?Type=1&SubjectList=0&LevelList=0&fbclid=IwAR1NUWmjfo8hicnFaPvhwMUHNcUlfyX5PUOuRD-XoTYbSQKe9v1NfH1YD3o
Graphic Organisers
YouTube and other Videos
Project Alpha is educational live-streaming TV for kids in Poland (schools also out), interviews, experiments and demonstrations from music through chemistry to zoology and more
Children’s songs in a variety of different languages (Babel Babies)