Academy Governing Body

Welcome to our Governors’ section.

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

The governing body is responsible for making sure the school provides a good quality education. Together with the head it sets the school’s aims and policies, and makes decisions on how to spend the budget. Being a governor is an opportunity to have your voice heard and to influence education in the county.

There are people like you making important decisions about how every school is run. They are the school’s governors. Governors come from all sections of the community: parents, staff at the school, the world of business, representatives of local councils and churches – in fact, anyone. There is always a need for enthusiastic and committed people to serve as governors. You don’t have to be an ‘expert’ – only able to get on with others and to work as part of team. You’ll also need some spare time to go to meetings and read papers. There are plenty of free training courses available to help governors with their responsibilities.

The Governing Body operates as a Full Governing Body each meeting with an additional Finance  and Resource Committee .

Position Name Term of Office Attendance this academic year* Pecuniary Interests
Co-Chair of Governors Mrs Juliet Lawson



Co- Chair

of Governors

Kiran Mehta


1/2 Parent
Headteacher Mrs Maria Pace 1st January 2016 – ongoing 0/2  
Trustee Governor Mr Niraj Shah 08/10/2020 - 07/10/2021 0/2  
Associate Governor Miss Julie Weyer (Assistant Headteacher) 01/09/2021 - 30/08/2025 2/2 Staff Member
Support Staff Representative Angela Doonan



2/2 Staff Member
Co-Opted Governor Mrs Lynne Wambeek (Assistant Headteacher) 01/09/2021 - 30/08/2025 2/2 Staff Member
Parent Governor Mr Akhlaq Shah 21/11/2024-20/11/2028 1/2 Parent 
Parent Governor Mrs Shelley Gormley


1/2 Parent and PTFA Member
Co-Opted Mr Marcus Gold



Co-Opted Governor Ms Anna Trevers 25/11/21-24/11/25 1/2  
Trust Governor Mr Sahil Rupani

02/05/24 - 


Clerk to the Governing Body Mrs Emma Lad   2/2 Employed by Governor Services

Governors LEFT in past 3 years


Parent Governor





Mr Paul Hudson




Stepped down 21/11/24

Vice- Chair Co-opted Robert Cooper

Stepped down 

summer 2020

Parent Governor Mrs Kate Ippolito


Stepped down Summer 2020

Parent Governor Mr Chris Hambleton


Stepped down Autumn 2020

Co-Opted Governor Mr James Innes 6/9/2018 - Stepped Down July 2020    
Chair of Governors Mr Martin Lawson 01/09/2017 - Stepped down 30/08/2021    
Co-Opted Governor Miss Ellen Millington 01/09/2017 - Stepped down 30/08/2021    
Chair of Governors Mr Magnus Spence- Jones


Stepped down



Due to COVID-19 Minutes from previous Governing body meetings are available on request from the school office.

*Attendance Rate is calculated for the academic year and is shown as meetings attended/meetings expected.

Governor Roles 2023/2024